ASU Prep

TITLE: Laying the Foundation for Success: The Journey from Elementary to High School in Phoenix AZ

Understanding the importance of early education as a cornerstone for future academic achievement, ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate is committed to fostering an environment where elementary students thrive. Anchored in the heart of Arizona, this institution is pivotal in shaping the educational path of young learners who will later join high schools in Phoenix AZ ready to excel and embrace their potential.

1. College Preparatory from K-6: ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate instills college readiness from a young age by integrating college preparatory elements throughout grades K-6. This forward-thinking approach ensures that students are not only acquiring foundational knowledge but also developing critical thinking skills necessary for success in high school environments and beyond.

2. Comprehensive IEP Support: Individualized Education Programs (IEP) are central to addressing diverse learning needs. The school’s dedication to providing personalized IEP support guarantees that all students receive tailored educational strategies aimed at maximizing their unique abilities ensuring they are well equipped when transitioning to high school settings.

3. Inclusive Head Start Program: Early childhood education is vital, and through its Head Start program, the school caters to preschool-aged children preparing them socio-emotionally and academically for their formal schooling journeynpositively impacting their success as they eventually enter high schools in Phoenix AZ.
Contact Us:
ASU Prep South Phoenix Primary / Intermediate
Address:5610 S Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85040
Phone:(602) 551-6594
Company Hours:
Monday - Friday :07:00 - 16:00

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