Lee Kiefer & Park, LLP

Address: 1707 Village Center Circle Suite 150 Las Vegas NV 89134 United States of America

Phone: 702-333-1711

Website: https://www.lkpfirm.com/

The attorneys at Lee Kiefer & Park, LLP practice solely in the area of trust, probate and estate planning law in Las Vegas. We are not a Jack of all trades, but strive to be the master of one. Because of this narrow focus, we have developed invaluable experience and proficiency with trusts and estates. If you or a family member needs estate planning services or probate & trust administration in Nevada, whether in Las Vegas, Henderson, Reno, or Carson City, contact us for a free consultation using our online contact form. Or call 702-333-1711 to speak to an experienced probate and trust administration attorney.

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